[architecture and interior design]

Sarah Paddick
Principal Architect and Totalspace Design Director
“For me, architecture is about a collaborative process between designer and client that results in a unique solution that fulfills its purpose elegantly, simply and effectively.”
With 30 years’ experience in the Adelaide architectural sector, Sarah brings a broad range of experience to the table. Equally comfortable in her niche specialist area of secure architecture or delivering residential, commercial and educational fields of architecture and numerous government projects. Sarah applies the same diligence and care to all her projects and clients.
As one of the establishing members of Totalspace Design in 1994, Sarah is an accomplished design architect, project manager and creative director who endeavors to lead by example and provides support and input into all of TSD’s projects.
Sarah was the 2010 recipient of the Catherine Helen Spence Memorial Scholarship and during that time carried out a research study into mother and baby accommodation within secure facilities. She has been a regular presenter and chairperson at the National Prison Planning Conferences, and has authored a number of articles in various publications. Her Secure Facility experience has led to her association with the Electronic Security Consultancy company, ctg Security Matrix. This has resulted in her involvement in a number of larger secure facility projects in Victoria and Tasmania.
Bachelor of Architecture (Hons) University of South Australia 1991
Registered Architect since 1994 Member of RAIA since 1996
Fellow, Australian Institute of Architects 2017
RAIA Chapter Councillor 2017 - 2022
Security Architecture
Over 100 minor works projects in Secure Facilities across South Australia, including:
Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre, redevelopment
Yatala Labour Prison – New Control Room, B-Division Bunker, Video Conferencing Facility, SA
Adelaide Women’s Prison – New Control Room, New Dormitories, Education Centre, Medical Centre upgrade, Dining Room upgrade, SA
Mobilong Medium Security Prison – Control Room, Gatehouse Reception, SA
Adelaide Remand Centre – Control Room, Movement Control, Video Conferencing Facility,
Port Augusta Prison – New Control Room, Education Centre, Gatehouse Upgrade, SA
Mount Gambier Prison – New Control Room, SA (Winner of Best New Security Installation ASIAL 2005)
Port Augusta Prison, Greenbush Unit and Yard Refurbishment
ARTSA New Control Room, SA
Cadell Training Centre Control Building, SA
Magill Youth Training Centre Control Room, SA
Alexander Maconochie Centre Control Room, ACT
Bimberi Youth Justice Centre Main Security Console and Monitor Stack, ACT
Risdon Prison Master Control Room Upgrade, TAS
Middleton Annexe, Control Room VIC
Loddon Prison, Control Room, VIC
Cavan Youth Training Centre, Control Console
General Architecture
Education – numerous alterations and additions to SA school facilities including:
Lockley’s North Primary School, Mellor Building refurbishment
Hamilton Secondary College Redevelopment, including Performing Arts Centre
Highgate Primary School Redevelopment
Kapunda High School Redevelopment
John Pirie Secondary School Redevelopment
Hamilton Secondary College, STEM Centre
Lockleys North Primary School, STEM Centre
Woodcroft PS, new classroom
Davoren Park PS, Junior Primary Upgrade
Modbury Special School, Learning Centre for Children with Autism
Highgate School – New Administration Building and General Learning areas
Hillcrest Children’s Centre, Extension & Refurbishment
Morphett Vale East Primary School – New Administration Building
Gilles Plains Childrens Centre – New Accommodation
Seaford Community Childrens Centre – Extension
Residential – Many projects ranging from minor additions to existing residences, to complete new houses:
New Contemporary Residence at Belair
Modern extension to Queen Anne Villa in Parkside
2 storey extension to heritage cottage in Glenelg
New 2 story contemporary dwelling in Rosslyn Park
2 Storey extension to Heritage Maisonette in Norwood
Public, Conference and Seminar Presentations
Operating and Designing for the Gender Gap – A Case Study, the Adelaide Women’s Prison, ICPA Webinar
Trauma Informed Design – Laying down new principles for the design of women’s prisons, ICPA 2022 AGM and Conference, Orlando, Florida
The UTurn Construction Pathways Program: Providing real work experience to female offenders on Prison Construction Projects. Future Prisons Conference, Melbourne
The UTurn Construction Pathways Program and the Adelaide Women’s Prison Accommodation Upgrade Project. ICPA 20th AGM and Conference, October, Montreal
Women talking Architecture, the female voice in the profession. AIA and University of Adelaide Event, Adelaide
Secure Facility Design. Experiences as a Practitioner. Australasian Juvenile Justice Administrators Annual Conference, Adelaide
The Adelaide Women’s Prison Accommodation Upgrade Project, Prison Design and Development Conference, Melbourne.
The Adelaide Women’s Prison Accommodation Upgrade Project. NTCOSS Conference, Darwin
The Adelaide Women’s Prison Accommodation Upgrade Project, Prison Design & Development Conference, Sydney
Incarcerated Mothers and their Children: Maintenance of family ties throughout a prison sentence, ICPA 17th AGM and Conference, October, Melbourne
Child Friendly Design in Prisons, Prisons 2015, Melbourne
Major Awards
- Inspiring South Australian Women’s Award - Winner - 2023 Australia Day Awards, Government House, South Australia
Community Partnership Award, SA Department for Correctional Services 2018 and 2022
The Adelaide Women’s Prison Accommodation Upgrade Project and U-Turn Construction Pathways Program - Winner - Industry Collaboration Award, SA Training Commission
Catherine Helen Spence Memorial Scholarship Recipient 2010 – Research into Mother and Baby Accommodation in Secure Facilities.
International Corrections and Prisons Association ICPA, Nominated in Research Category. Mothers and Babies in Prison Accommodation Study 2010-2011.
2005 Australian Security Industry Awards for Excellence ‘Major Installation Award’, Principal Security Architect and Project Manager, Mount Gambier Prison – New Control Room.
Grant, E. & Paddick, S. (2022). Adelaide Women’s Prison Accommodation Upgrade Project: Post-Occupancy Evaluation Adelaide, DCS, RMIT University & Totalspace Design. ISBN: 978-0-646-85299-7
The Adelaide Women’s Accommodation Upgrade Project - from architectural challenge to Social Justice Initiative. Academy of Architecture for Justice Journal, June 2018 Edition
Paddick, S. 2015, An Alternative approach to Incarceration, SACOSS News
Paddick, S. 2014, Women and Children in Prisons, Adelaide Indaily
Paddick, S. 2011, Mothers and Babies in Prison Accommodation Study 2010-2011 (view here)
Board Appointments
Catherine Helen Spence Memorial Scholarship Board (nominee) 2022
UTurn Foundation, Director